Invalid private key and certificate pairing To ask questions and find answers from Apple engineers and other developers, visit the Apple Developer Forums. Provide detailed information about issues, including your system and developer tool versions, and any relevant crash logs or console messages. With Feedback Assistant, you can report issues or request enhancements to APIs and tools. Your feedback goes a long way toward making Xcode even better. Swift: Version of Swift supported for development by this version of Xcode.
Simulator: Versions of iOS, tvOS, and watchOS simulators supported for development by this version of Xcode.
OS: The iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS versions supported by this version of Xcode for developing, installing, and debugging applications.
SDK: The version of SDKs included in this version of Xcode.Īrchitecture: The architectures supported for development by this version of Xcode. Minimum OS Required: The version of macOS required to install this version of Xcode. Minimum requirements and supported SDKs Xcode Version